Getting Underway

The management team met at the Berkeley Marina to welcome J24 #0 into the Inspire Sailing fleet.

”Midnight Run” is first of many J24s to join!

We then spent the rest of the day continuing to set up our off-the-water facilities including front office, clubroom, and classroom.

We also met with candidates for our core startup team. Once they become official employees, we’ll post a group picture. You’ll see some familiar faces!

Another thing you may have noticed is our new logo and color scheme. We hope the colors evoke memories (or dreams) of sailing in the beautiful waters of the Caribbean, South Pacific, and Mediterranean. We can’t wait for you to join us on those waters when our “flotilla” travel program begins!

This weekend we are continuing the work onsite doing some painting to give the facilities a fresh look.

We’ll also be setting up the patio area - which in these Covid days will become an outdoor classroom as well as lounge.

We look forward to inviting you to come see our progress very soon.

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inspire favicon.png

Building an Outdoor Classroom


Enlisting the Fleet