Welcoming First Members & Checkouts!

This past weekend, we welcomed our first members to Inspire Sailing and completed our first series of J24 checkouts! Mother Nature cooperated and delivered 15-20 knots of breeze and lots of sunshine.

After many months of preparation, we were thrilled to finally open the doors (and cast off the dock lines)!

We will continue checkouts on the J24s as well as big boats this coming weekend. These checkouts are an important safety step ahead of most charters, as we’re all a bit rusty after the pandemic.

If you haven’t skippered a charter in the last 12 months, please contact our office at inquire@inspiresailing.com or complete the Sailing Resume to reserve a space in the queue for your checkout.

The very first sailors at Inspire Sailing wrapping up their checkout sail.

The very first sailors at Inspire Sailing wrapping up their checkout sail.

Diane R. signs in as the first member of Inspire Sailing.

Diane R. signs in as the first member of Inspire Sailing.


Offering Checkouts, Charters, and Chips!


Accepting Charter Bookings!