Join Our Dual Site Student Advisor Program!

Ahoy, cruising boat students! Modern Sailing wants your feedback - and will reward you for it with a complimentary six-month Dual Site Membership (no monthly dues for 6 months)!

In case you missed our email last week, Inspire Sailing and Modern Sailing have partnered to offer a cruising boat-focused education program (ASA 101 and ASA 103 courses) in Berkeley. 

If you did see the email last week and you’re a member considering taking an ASA course in Berkeley, you might love this news!

We want to hear from our cruising boat students what it’s like to learn, get qualified to charter, and bareboat charter at both the Sausalito and Berkeley locations. We’re recruiting a maximum of 12 students to participate in this program. 

What will be asked of our Dual Site Student Advisors?

  • Complete one ASA course at Modern Sailing in Sausalito and one ASA course in Berkeley. (Students get to choose the location for each.)

  • After completing both courses, provide feedback to the Modern Sailing management team.

  • Acquire charter certification at each site (i.e. Complete a Fleet Certification Check-out or Evaluation Sail at the site where the student did not complete 103).

  • Provide feedback to Modern Sailing about the charter certification experience at each site.

  • Complete at least one bareboat charter at each location.

  • Provide feedback about the charter experience at each site.

  • Feedback will consist of a simple questionnaire after course and charter completion as well as a conversation with our CEO and management team.

What qualifications are required to participate?

  • In order to qualify, you must be a Modern or Inspire Sailing member (either Single or Dual Site) and have purchased ASA 101 and 103.

  • You must be intending to complete ASA 101 and 103 and get charter certified within 6 months.

  • If you have already completed ASA 101 in Sausalito, you can participate in this program by completing ASA 103 in Berkeley.

How does one apply to participate?


“Grab a Boat and Go!” with Unlimited Sailing Membership


ASA Cruising Boat Courses in Berkeley!