Introducing our First Charterer!


Making a little bit of history, Kristin Shelton became our first official charterer last weekend. She’s all smiles above, with her partner Mark Leonard on the left and sister Noelle on right. 

Kristin Shelton was introduced to sailing by Mark in 2019.  After one introductory sail on the San Francisco Bay, she was all in!  She signed up for sailing lessons that summer although she admits she didn’t quite know what she was getting into given the difference between the big boats used for a comfortable introductory sail and the more sporty nature of rigging and sailing the J24.

Kristin and Mark were completing their Basic Cruising certification and planning their first flotilla adventure when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Delayed but not deterred, they flew to Florida in April 2021 to complete their Basic Cruising and Bareboat Cruising certifications.  

They have been eagerly and patiently waiting for Inspire Sailing to open its doors.  After completing their checkout sails, Kristin and Mark ventured out on their first charter on July 3.  Kristin, as the skipper of record, became the first charterer for Inspire Sailing!  

Kristin is known to say that she is happiest on the water, in the water, or near the water and looks forward to many days sailing in the Bay and sailing on Club flotillas when they start up again.


Launching Dual Site Membership


Offering Checkouts, Charters, and Chips!