Club Skippers

 What is a Club Skipper?

“Club Skipper” is a special membership status. These are members who have been selected and approved to be skippers for our Club Sails.

What makes a good Club Skipper?

Club Skippers typically have significant experience with us via Courses, Clinics, and Charters. They are accomplished sailors and fun people.

As skippers, they have experience sailing with crew that is diverse in personalities, skills, and experience. They must hold a U.S. Sailing Bareboat Cruising certification (or equivalent) since the Club Sails are on Silver or Gold Fleet vessels.

At Club Sail events, Club Skippers will skipper the sail but they will also act as “host” during the Apres Sail happy hour in the Clubroom! We will provide the snacks and beverages, but the Club Skippers will be in charge of putting unused food and beverage away, and locking up the Clubroom.

What do Club Skippers get in return?

In exchange for being a Club Skipper, these members receive special perks from the Club! One perk, in particular, is the Club Skipper can bring one guest for FREE along on the Club Sail! Other perks are TBD but will likely include some branded gear and discount on club membership after a certain number of skippered Club Sails.

If you’d like to volunteer for a Club Skipper position, please complete this form to share your available dates, and/or email us at