Discounted Charters During RBBS!
The Rolex Big Boat Series (RBBS) is one of the premier regattas on the West Coast, and it’s happening this week on the San Francisco Bay! (Thursday 9/16 thru Sunday 9/19)
The RBBS is an exciting event, with high-performing boats and high-caliber sailors! We hope you can get out there for a day of viewing, so…
We are offering a 15% discount on all Sport Boat < 30’ charters during the same four days. Grab a J24, J80, or Olson 25 and head out to watch the RBBS!
We are also holding our first Sunday Funday Club Sail on Sunday 9/19 from 10:00am to 4:00pm. Price is $85 per seat. You just pay for the seat, we’ll fill the boat with fun people and a Club Skipper! Post-sail refreshments follow in the Clubroom.
Call us at (510) 831-1800 or email us at to book your discounted Sport Boat charter or seat on a Sunday Funday Club Sail!
Basic Keelboat students enjoy a sunny day on the Bay!