Book Your Fleet Week Charter Now!

Fleet Week is here! And it’s not too late to book your charter!

Don’t miss the Air Show featuring the Blue Angels this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (Oct 8-10)! They will likely be practicing on Thursday, too!

There’s no better way to watch the action than to be on a boat in the Bay, with the planes zooming by overhead!

If you want to skipper a boat, please contact us for availability. As of this writing, the Beneteau 37 “Sirena” is available Saturday due to a cancellation — get her now! Also a few J24s are still available, too!

If you have already booked a boat but need crew — or you are crew looking for a skipper — please contact us for our Crew List, which you can use to email and connect with members.

Important: Skippers, be sure to read the Fleet Week boat safety guidelines posted here.

Here is our contact info:

  • (510) 831-1800



Better than Bowling!


Extending the “Free to Join” Deadline!